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Causes We Care About

At Simply Inspired Travel

man with a flag

Welcome to our Causes we care about page!

This page was created to highlight causes that our advisors, clients, friends and travel supplier partners care about! It’s intended to bring awareness and possibly support from those we serve. Do you have a cause you care about that you’d like to see highlighted? Click HERE.

people with a speaker

Every month we will highlight the cause of the month in the following ways:

  • We will have a dedicated place on this page to give information about the cause, contact information, etc…
  • We will add a link to this page on our email signatures for even more exposure.
  • We will add a link and a short article about the cause in our next newsletter.
hands with a heart

In addition to our Causes We Care About page, it is our hope to eventually start a 501C3 Non-profit for the sole purpose of raising funds through one or two designated fundraisers throughout the year to give back to the causes we highlighted that year!

Contact Michele for more information.


Once or Twice a year you will have an opportunity to join us in adopting a project or to serve together in some capacity.

people volunteering,
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